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About Business Microcredit IFN (Romania)

Let’s know better each other!

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Being part of NCH Group, Business Microcredit IFN SA was raised from scratch back in 2018 and since then, its objectives remains to offer a better access to finance for Small and Medium Enterprises in Romania so, our financial solutions are exclusively designed for Legal Entities and assimilated individuals.

New Century Holding Group

NCH Capital was among the earliest Western investors in Eastern Europe in the 1990s, making its first investments in the agricultural, real estate and private equity sector over 30 years ago. In 1996, NCH establishes permanent presence on Romanian ground and launches an opportunity found to makes its first investments. Since then, NCH have raised approximately $6 billion of capital from investors.

13 Million USD
NET PROFIT for 2023
1.1 Millions USD
PAR 30+
10.3 Million
4.5 Million

GLP STRUCTURE, by loan type

No Data Found

PAR 30+

No Data Found

Portfolio Growth, by Year, USD

No Data Found

GLP STRUCTURE, by currency

No Data Found

Business Microcredit on Romania

Romanian lending landscape

Romania performs above the EU average in entrepreneurship. Based on data from past years, its strong performance continues. The percentage of adults who intend to start a business within 3 years is the highest in the EU.
In Romania, around 96% of all companies are SMEs with turnover below EUR 1M (aprrox. 500,000). Because af their small size, they have limited access to banking financial products. In this context, they look up to find financing at microfinance lending companies.

Rating certificate Business Microcredit IFN

ESG Certification

By embedding ESG into our operations and investment decisions, we create value for our business by driving innovation, expanding our value proposition, deepening relationships with our stakeholders, attracting and retaining top talent, and reducing our capital costs through ESG-related financing.


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